Friday, September 19, 2008

Fewmets: put 'em in the blender

Ugh, school is completely kicking my ass. I do have some fractal-related projects in the works, but it's going to be several weeks, probably, before any of them are far enough along to be worth looking at.

I've been trying to keep up with the digital end of things in a small way, by following the challenges posted to the Ultra Fractal mailing list. On my second go-round with Challenge #2, I was thinking about school, and about the people I was spending time with in my very first couple of semesters. One of the long-term effects of that association is that now I get very angry and upset when I come across any references to dragons, particularly in a fantasy-novel or comic book or role-playing game kind of thing. (Fortunately, I never had all that much interest in those particular entertainments. Still, it's an annoying sort of neurosis to have.)

This image is therefore dedicated to —— and —— and their drawings of cute goo-eyed dragons. Thanks for the lingering bitterness, you jerks.

Dragon Pureé

Man oh man, I sure do get cranky and irritable when I'm in school.

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